Monday, July 19, 2010


OK... so The Last Airbender post is so not going to happen today. I'm freaking exhausted. I was woken by one of my cats, who thought it would be nice to knead my stomach and chest, lick my face, and generally try to suffocate me at 4:00 in the morning. Bastard. I mean, I love him... he's a lover, just a little love-bug, but good grief. 4:00 a.m.??? Couldn't fall asleep after I got up to go to the bathroom. So... I got up, showered, and did work. Now, at ten til eight, I feel like I could pass out.

I will relate an amusing story of what happened in my class today. One of my students has brought his son to a few classes, today included. His son is 5 years old. I tried to engage him to see if he had interest in Spanish or had fun in class. No answer. Then, another student, we'll call him Marcos, started talking to the boy. I don't remember what he said to the kid, but I remember the eruption of laughter from Marcos and the students around him. I asked what the kid had said. "I'll knock your head off." There were a jumble of comments flying around and laughter from the whole class. We needed to move on, so I said that was enough. "No more harassing and threatening. From either of you. No more." Marcos' response: "He started it!" Yeah, the whole class had a laugh at that. Marcos... 20 or 21 blaming the 5 year old. I will say, it started off the class positively and helped keep everyone awake so early in the morning. :)

Sunday, July 18, 2010


I saw Inception last night with a group of my friends. I must say that it turned out even better than I had expected. It was an excellent film. The acting was fantastic; each actor performed their part superbly, leading to a film that has me interested in coming back several more times. The storyline was was well thought out and had me captivated, constantly tense as to what would happen next. Oh, and Joseph Gordon-Levitt? HOT! Yeah, he is now my celebrity crush. I have no words for it. The best I can do is: sexy, smart, gorgeous, funny... and yum. :) I mean, just look at him!

Yes. Oh yes. That man there, is just beautiful. Let's be honest here; I'm never going to meet the guy. UNLESS... if I can figure out how to be an architect and a dreamer like in the movie Inception, then I can find him somewhere, hook him up to the sleep machine at the same time as myself and implant the idea that he wants to know me... Oh, Inception. You have raised my hopes so high. ;)

Moving on. As I said, the movie was great. Watching it with friends was even better so that we could discuss the many layers and meanings behind everything. We did this as we ate Italian. Tasty. Every single one of us liked the movie. That has been hard to come by in the past year or two, but for this movie, no one had a single complaint.

Complaints, on the other had, were MANY after I saw The Last Airbender. Holy hell. What in name of all that is holy was I thinking to go see that movie? It was horrendous. That will be my next post... it must not taint the awesomeness of Inception and Joe. :)

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Joder. What now?

OK... so I've been back from Spain for a little over a month. I posted a whopping total of 9 blogs while I was in Spain. Nice. 30 days there, and 9 times I wrote something down. So much for my "experiencia española".

So, what the hell do I do now? I want to do something with this blog. And to be honest, I don't think anyone is reading. Like, literally, NO ONE is reading this thing other than me. So why the hell am I writing it like someone is? Dreams of making the big time in the blogosphere? Hee hee. That really did make me giggle there. Yeah, I suppose I would totally love people to find my blog interesting, and especially funny, to read. I love Hyperbole and a Half, but damn, I just can't imagine writing THAT MUCH that is funny about myself. I mean, I have had funny things happen, but I'm not sure they are that freakin' funny. I suppose I could try. I've been told I should do standup, but I'm better on my toes, at the spur of the moment.

Hmm. Yes. I shall try this humorous blog thing. And we shall see what is to become of it. Perhaps I can begin with a few things that happened when I was IN Spain, though nothing too terribly funny happened there. Except I got lost on the Metro. Twice. And, if you haven't figured out yet, I am fluent in Spanish. So, yeah, that was kind of laughable. I blame the map. Absolutely.