Saturday, July 17, 2010

Joder. What now?

OK... so I've been back from Spain for a little over a month. I posted a whopping total of 9 blogs while I was in Spain. Nice. 30 days there, and 9 times I wrote something down. So much for my "experiencia española".

So, what the hell do I do now? I want to do something with this blog. And to be honest, I don't think anyone is reading. Like, literally, NO ONE is reading this thing other than me. So why the hell am I writing it like someone is? Dreams of making the big time in the blogosphere? Hee hee. That really did make me giggle there. Yeah, I suppose I would totally love people to find my blog interesting, and especially funny, to read. I love Hyperbole and a Half, but damn, I just can't imagine writing THAT MUCH that is funny about myself. I mean, I have had funny things happen, but I'm not sure they are that freakin' funny. I suppose I could try. I've been told I should do standup, but I'm better on my toes, at the spur of the moment.

Hmm. Yes. I shall try this humorous blog thing. And we shall see what is to become of it. Perhaps I can begin with a few things that happened when I was IN Spain, though nothing too terribly funny happened there. Except I got lost on the Metro. Twice. And, if you haven't figured out yet, I am fluent in Spanish. So, yeah, that was kind of laughable. I blame the map. Absolutely.

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